what we do


Since the Trust started in 1994 we have received some 400 applications for equipments and resources for children with special needs in Derbyshire. We have funded 320 of these.



All the applications need to be supported by a Health Care professional. They are then assessed on each applicant’s individual circumstances by the Trust’s Grants Committee. On average we provide this kind of support to about 35 applicants every year and spend some £14,000 per year in helping children with special needs. Examples of our work are shown in our Grants page. Details of how to apply for funds are set out here.

Virtually all of the income generated by the Trust is allocated to the applicants. None of our Volunteers claims any personal expenses: they all give their time for nothing.

More details about various aspects of the Trust can be found by following the links below:

Our Patrons

Our Benefactors



How we work? includes Committees, Annual Reports and details of our procedures.

Profiles of key members of the Tiny Tim Trust team are available here.

A PDF copy of our Leaflet can be downloaded here.